Friday, August 19, 2016

Ten Smallest countries in the world

10 smallest countries in the world
1.Country name : Vatican
Location : Italy
Area :0.44 sq km
2.Country name: Monaco
Location: Europe, Frances
Area: 2 sq km
3.Coluntry name : Nauru
Location : Australia  
Area: 21 sq km
4.Country name : Tuvalu
Location : Australia
Area: 26 Sq km
5. Country name : San Marino
Location : Europe , Italy
Area : 61 Sq km
6.Country name: Liechtenstein
Location: Europe
Area: 160 Sq Km
7. Country name:  Saint kitts and Nevis
Location: Caribbean Island
Area: 261 Sq km
8.Country name : Maldives
Location : Indian Ocean
Area: 30
9. Country name : Malta
Location : Mediterranean
Area: 316 sq km
10. Country name : Grenda
Location : Caribbean Island